Unpopular Opinions About Good Morning Vietnam
They say drama is easy; that it’s comedy that’s hard. I think, to take it a step further, that it’s comedy disguised as drama that’s the hardest.
They say drama is easy; that it’s comedy that’s hard. I think, to take it a step further, that it’s comedy disguised as drama that’s the hardest.
Walter Hill’s eye-opening 1979 documentary, The Warriors, gave many Americans their first glimpse of the real New York.
This one goes out to the one I left behind. Another prop has occupied my time. This one goes out to the one I love.
Let’s pretend Little Red Riding Hood was born today and her mom was Courtney Love.
“She could have been eaten by a whale? Or punched out by Kid McCoy?”
Calvary pokes your conscience with a stick to see if it’ll twitch. Depending on the answer, you might laugh or get cross. Or both.
Nothing an injection of medicinal cocaine can’t fix.
I’d like to tell you about who she was and what she meant to me, but I can’t. She was Lauren Bacall.
And the fool replied, “I don’t know. I only knew that you were thirsty.”
Are we hardboiled or can you make us ache?
At its core, Guardians of the Galaxy introduces us to a man who robs graves and happens upon an object of theological importance. That does not make it Raiders of the Lost Ark.
All the while, there behind him, within him, is the cold flint of war scraping relentlessly for a spark.
It is not the scope of the filmmaking that makes Boyhood incredible. It is what that scope does to your brain.
The Zero Theorem may be one of Gilliam’s lesser successes, but it’s built on something, towards something — and that’s clearly better than nothing.