SFIFF Preview: Trap Street
The innocuous looking and sounding Forest Lane is quite real. It’s the maps that pull the wool.
The innocuous looking and sounding Forest Lane is quite real. It’s the maps that pull the wool.
A race! Over a girl! I wonder how it will end?
With their bobbling heads, their self-important crowing, and their puffed-up plumage, it is quite difficult to look a rooster in the eye and take its opinions seriously.
Some films are erotic; others stand naked.
There are few real artists left, suggests Jarmusch. And they are mostly vampires.
Ne’er has there been a more aptly named film than 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Possibly — just possibly — that head was making out with your mom last night.
Spring is here and that means it’s time to watch a mess of films that you never heard of and which you’ll likely never get another chance to see projected […]
Is your ranking of which Marvel movie is best and which is worst complete?
I had fully intended to write an entire review of The Fast and the Furious using nothing but four-letter words. That proved challenging since even the word ‘words’ contains more than four […]
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Please. Just stop. You can’t touch this.
Megamovies sound supercilious, but you can read the definition of this new term here — a world first exclusive!
No one’s perfect.