Explosive Wu Xia Action
I am not, in general, a kung fu fighter. That’s not to say that I can’t get into the balletic precision and athletic exuberance that imbues top-notch martial arts movies. […]
I am not, in general, a kung fu fighter. That’s not to say that I can’t get into the balletic precision and athletic exuberance that imbues top-notch martial arts movies. […]
There is, perhaps, a thin film of deception spread across the skein of the world. What you see with your eyes, what your ears alert you to, what your grubby […]
In Holy Motors, M. Oscar opens his file to find who he should be next. Is it performance or is it life? It seems “yes” is the answer. Now count how […]
From his first proto-indie, art house feature (Sex, Lies, and Videotape) to his big budget Hollywood successes (Ocean’s Eleven) to his bizarre experimental stuff (Full Frontal), I’ve consistently queued up to see Steven […]
It’s hard not to like James Bond films—particularly if you are now or once were a teenage boy. James Bond has been, for 50 years, an icon of suave, seductive […]
Before last week, I’d never been to Italy. Now, with 10 days roaming about Florence under my belt (most of that is pasta weight), I’m eager to share my new […]
Hello! I have returned from Italy! Did you miss me? Can you pretend like you missed me? Just a little? Despite my intentions, I did not make it to the […]
Not so crazy about digital projection? Feeling put out by post-converted 3D crap? Having trouble watching action films without falling into some sort of strobe-induced seizure? What you need is […]
So, who are you voting for? Obama? Boooooring. I’m voting for Warren Beatty. Since the 1960s, this tussle-haired thespian has been all up in politics’ business. He’s been active on behalf […]
What’s the matter? Isopod got your tongue? Hey, it could happen. At least, it might happen if we don’t get good and scared by what’s happening in places like Chesapeake Bay […]
Recently, your valiant Stand By For Mind Control editors attended an early screening of Cloud Atlas, the new film by the Wachowskis and Tom Twyker. We thought it would be […]
I pose you this riddle: “Are you serious?” I am talking about the trailer for this film, which, I am lead to believe is: a) a horror movie, b) called Smiley, […]
The tensest part of Argo came thirty minutes in, when I thought, “Did I leave the BBQ on?” That tension lasted through Ben Affleck’s last lingering close-up when I found […]
There was a time, not so long ago, that I was looking forward to Seven Psychopaths. Director Martin McDonagh’s last film, In Bruges, was dark, twisted, offensive, and generally good […]