Suicide Squad: A Video Review
I can review this film in no words.
I can review this film in no words.
I’m actually fairly disappointed that’s not what this film is called.
I hope to remember to avoid being killed by neo-Nazis, attack dogs, box cutters, or red laces.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows up with little to prove, and proves it anyway, exactly unlike any of the sequels or reboots that have been crowding cinemas of late.
It is, after all, a film about a flatulent corpse. And probably the best one you’ll see all year.
This is the worst film I will never be able to forget seeing.
Watching you squirm uncontrollably is the point. If tickling alone won’t do it, I’m sure they’ll think of something else.
I can’t wait for Brexit: the Movie. Everyone loves a disaster flick.
Is it truly beautiful or is its beauty manufactured?
It is likely that someone told you that Brooklyn was a good movie. If not, please allow me to.
Did you watch Chevalier? Then give yourself +20 points.
This is a dumpster fire full of other, smaller, dumpster fires.
This not very good cake is so good I’m going to smash it in your face.
We are man-cubs and we are dangerous.