High Rise: All the Enemies Amenities
High Rise was not made to entertain you grungy, popcorn feasting masses.
High Rise was not made to entertain you grungy, popcorn feasting masses.
It is a half-lucid dream you already had, if only you could remember.
Knowing what happens is in no way the same as experiencing it happening.
I see your excessive punctuation, Everybody Wants Some!!, but remain unmoved.
Pour one out for Moonpie.
For when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
Let us just say that Bad Company is not a film of white-hatted heroes riding off into the sunset. It is a film about the lousy lot who’ll remain by your side, regardless of how rotten you are down deep.
Rend your rictus with screams of inchoate rage and explode my face with eldritch fire. I love you Stay Puft.
Want results? Try fucking.
It would be strange to completely love The Lobster, even if your other choice is to become one.
It’s not important.
There is no escaping some kinds of crazy.
An article you’ll stop reading well before I get to my review of Chi-Raq, a film which is worth watching.
It will make you cry, but not with anger. These are the tears of yearning and growth.