Captain America: Civil War and the Marvel of Your Mind
This not very good cake is so good I’m going to smash it in your face.
This not very good cake is so good I’m going to smash it in your face.
We are man-cubs and we are dangerous.
Don’t mess with the kid.
High Rise was not made to entertain you grungy, popcorn feasting masses.
A crazy semi-animated Czech film full of pirates and submarines and giant squids. Need I say more?
So there’s this alien, see? And he wants to go home…
A strange, wild ride of a biography that isn’t a biography.
From 1931, one of the most insane horror movies you will ever see.
For when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
In which we enter the decaying whimsy of Peter Greenaway’s England.
Zack Snyder takes on the world. The world loses.
A spoiler-free pre-review! Or a spoiler-filled list of assumptions? Either way. Yep. Take heart. It’s always darkest before the Dawn of Justice.
A beautifully empty future (and movie).
Russian sci-fi by way of the middle ages. Enter at your own risk.