Gilliam’s The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is Better than You’ve Been Led to Believe
It’s all Gilliam, after all, and what more do you want in a movie?
It’s all Gilliam, after all, and what more do you want in a movie?
A heist half-baked is no heist at all.
A warmly weird little western you may enjoy.
A movie so real it could only be a movie.
Spoiler alert: she dies.
The next time I say, “Let’s go someplace like Bolivia,” let’s go someplace like Bolivia.
What does it mean if the moon is stronger than you and what does it mean if you’re stronger than the moon? Shall we stay another night and find out?
In which the misleading nature of this article’s title is not apologized for.
Battle Of The Absolute Equals is an SB4MC feature that seeks to definitively rank and compare two indistinguishable films.
There is an itch to scratch, one that’s sunk deep in the center of your back, as if you’d had a pair of identical siblings your entire life and never knew it until RIGHT NOW.
You will believe everything that happens.
In which a rapper tells you about movies.
Just pretend it’s a Star Wars movie and that the two leads are supposed to be as charismatic as canned salmon.
They had the skill. They had the cred and the time and resources and, yet, what they have produced is so pube-straightingly, joint-invertingly, ghastly terrible you will not stop removing your eyes to check if they’re still working properly from the time it starts to its thankful finish.