Surf II: Highly Concentrated, Possibly Fatal ’80s Teen Trash
A heady brew of surfers, punks, zombies, egregious nudity, and new wave tunes one should consume with caution, if at all.
A heady brew of surfers, punks, zombies, egregious nudity, and new wave tunes one should consume with caution, if at all.
This is a dumpster fire full of other, smaller, dumpster fires.
A new restoration of the weirdest movie you never knew you already should have seen.
This not very good cake is so good I’m going to smash it in your face.
A slow creeper from the San Francisco International Film Festival.
A search for that which can’t be found.
Essentially Eyes Wide Shut, but with fewer pretentious orgies.
We are man-cubs and we are dangerous.
Don’t mess with the kid.
High Rise was not made to entertain you grungy, popcorn feasting masses.
It’s back. And it’s full of movies.
It is a half-lucid dream you already had, if only you could remember.
A crazy semi-animated Czech film full of pirates and submarines and giant squids. Need I say more?
Knowing what happens is in no way the same as experiencing it happening.