In Which I Return To The Return of The Living Dead
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It will make you cry, but not with anger. These are the tears of yearning and growth.
Tangerine is a Tom Waits song or a Bukowski novel. It is a tale that makes you feel and care and know subjects normally considered too marginal for your attention.
Scrape the cholesterol from the hardened arteries of cinema, to make its heart — and yours — beat with frightening vigor.
An unusual case study of two movies based on the same book, each trying to be faithful in its own way.
Be here now
For both the poetically minded and the short attention spanned among you.
Stop-motion puppets bring Charlie Kaufman’s latest story of misery to depressing life.
Late period Hitchcock is not for the weak of heart.
Go see The Revenant with your dead son.
I think you should watch it on TV, late one drunken Saturday, and tell me what you think.
In which I list every movie I watched during 2015, because who doesn’t love a good list?
Neither cartoon nor meta-commentary on itself, The Hateful Eight is something crazier still: a good movie.
In which our weary correspondent asks questions he wishes certain writers had asked before him.