The Imitation Game and The Theory of Everything… Successful and Forgettable Oscar Bait
Thoughts on two winners you’ll have forgotten won by the time you’re done reading this.
Thoughts on two winners you’ll have forgotten won by the time you’re done reading this.
Allow us to win your Oscar pool for you.
In which I suffer the slings and arrows of John Carter, Disney’s ludicrous adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’s A Princess of Mars, for your amusement and edification.
Two thirds of the Flight of The Conchords fellas team up with some other funny New Zealanders, drink the blood of innocents, crack jokes. You will like it.
In Leviathan, we are either killed by innocence or corruption. The choice is yours.
In which Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey…, a new documentary on the making of The Island of Dr. Moreau, and other chronicles of mad jungle adventures are thunk upon.
Hipster mocks hipsters. Universe implodes. Mild laughs ensue.
In which we discuss these two ’60s westerns oft-cited as the original acid westerns, and wonder whether “acid western” is indeed a genre.
Weng Weng’s fighting style is mostly a blend of hiding behind things and sliding along the floor like Tom Cruise in his underpants.
The Soviet Union was a strange place. Strange to anyone who didn’t live there, and, I’d have to expect, strange to those who did.
A very silly kind of alternate reality French flick I think you will enjoy. See it while you’ve got the chance.
If you want to survive, you must adapt, submit, and succumb to cinema. Start with Saul Bass’ Phase IV.
In which three love stories no sane human would watch back to back are watched back to back.
If you made the mistake of missing this one at the Noir City Festival, fear not! It actually exists on DVD. Not often the case with 1940s B-movie film noirs.