Point and Shoot (and Then Consider Your Aim)
Matt VanDyke thinks he’s telling his story, but his story ends up being about how telling your story is essentially dishonest.
Matt VanDyke thinks he’s telling his story, but his story ends up being about how telling your story is essentially dishonest.
The last shot of Short Cuts is of four people in clown makeup, smeared from a night of drinking and hot-tubbing, sucking on lemon slices and laughing. It’s the whole movie summed up in a single image.
I do not particularly wish to review this film, which I have just seen, while growing increasingly intoxicated. On purpose.
There’s what a film appears to be and what a film is, and seldom the twain shall meet, alone, at night, in Iran, with a vampire.
If Disney had let Big Hero 6 go in the direction its characters demanded, it might have been pretty brilliant.
‘Out of his head’ is a good phrase for Vive la Muerte.
It took me awhile, but I’ve now seen Legend. Will I ever unsee it?
Even in the Star Wars universe, people fail upwards.
Cronenberg tells a passionate, tragic love story. With a giant fly monster. And everybody loves it.
It starts with vintage footage of a fox hunt, complete with horses and bugles and excited children. These home movies presumably come from the halcyon days of the Philadelphia area DuPont […]
In this strangely theatrical movie from the ’70s, Richard Dreyfuss shoots porn in the ’30s.
Granted, they didn’t ride the Bantha’s single file…
It’s a Marvel movie. Stuff goes whiz and things go bang. Leave your brain at the door. And then slam that door on your brain for two hours.
Nazi zombies! Run!!!