Nightcrawler Is The Best Kind of Creepy
A film noir, a horror movie, a satire, this movie’s got all kinds of things going for it. See it before it disappears.
A film noir, a horror movie, a satire, this movie’s got all kinds of things going for it. See it before it disappears.
And so ends the worst series of the modern Doctor Who. What in the name of ood went wrong?
This film may prematurely age you, through the power of special cinematic relativity.
Interstellar will whip you back and forth between “That’s kind of neato” and “What the–? This is absurd,” so often you won’t know what to think. Maybe that’s the plan.
A less comedic story than one would expect about a gamer nerd coming face to face with his massive personality flaws.
Force Majeure is Gone Girl for grownups. It is probably the film you will most regret not seeing this year.
This Halloween, dare to watch this most gruesome and shocking film!
The bird is the word. I said the bird bird bird, the bird is the word.
Paltrow’s script hovers over characters and situations like a teacher’s red pen. “Needs improvement. See me after class.”
Join me on a little trip to the Player’s Ball…
In which I am underwhelmed by the latest from director Alejandro Iñárritu.
If John Wick is trying to teach his enemies a lesson, here is what it is: your face is not a secure receptacle for bullets.
And I quote: “Alex Ross Perry has injected a particular strain of vitality into the New York independent film scene, having made two idiosyncratic features that beat to a relentlessly personal rhythm that is almost shocking in its distinctness.”
Given $50,000, leftover sets from a high school movie, and five days to shoot by American International Pictures, could Roger Corman direct a horror movie?