A Few Words on Eighth Grade and Realism
A movie so real it could only be a movie.
A movie so real it could only be a movie.
Please prepare your noses for active cinematic duty.
Death did the show in, leaving it languishing in the misty-mists of misty-pre-internet-nowhere.
In which we get closer to answers and insights regarding one of the best—and least discussed—directors.
Spoiler alert: she dies.
Woe be we when sentient computers go human.
A pleasurably peculiar documentary about the intersection of film and tennis, of lies and truth, of McEnroe and clay.
“I’m getting too old for this shit.”
The next time I say, “Let’s go someplace like Bolivia,” let’s go someplace like Bolivia.
Spike Lee’s period piece fights its way into the present and kicks you in the face.
A 92 part mock documentary that makes the horrors inflicted by Hitchcock’s birds seem downright pleasant by comparison.
What does it mean if the moon is stronger than you and what does it mean if you’re stronger than the moon? Shall we stay another night and find out?
A movie desperate to be fun suffers from desperation.
In which the misleading nature of this article’s title is not apologized for.