Kane Rant
I saw a beautiful 35mm print of Citizen Kane at the Castro Theatre the other day, hadn’t seen it for many years, and while I realize saying this makes me […]
I saw a beautiful 35mm print of Citizen Kane at the Castro Theatre the other day, hadn’t seen it for many years, and while I realize saying this makes me […]
Last week Sight & Sound Magazine released their list of top 50 films as determined by a poll of fancy-pants critics. The big news is that Vertigo has dethroned Citizen Kane. But when I say “big […]
Oh, it’s on, people! Sight & Sound’s decennial list of the greatest 10 movies ever, as voted on by hordes of fancy-pants critics, has arrived, and Citizen Kane just got […]
Many people say to me in my imagination, “Hey Evil One. How come you’re so serious and cranky and only talk about things you hate which is every thing?” Well, […]
And now for your viewing pleasure, check out this unusually long trailer for the upcoming Cloud Atlas, which I can’t embed because Apple is mean that way. A bit odd, […]
Thrills! Chills! Flying monkeys! Giant flies! Talking plants! All this and more awaits you in Stand By For Mind Control’s latest evil plot to control your minds through the viewing […]
I know you are busy. A very busy person with much to do and something on the stove and no time for flossing, no matter what your dental hygienist says. That is […]
(Very mucho SPOILERS-O-RAMA throughout, should you be concerned about such things) What with all of our Dark Knight talk these past weeks, I figured I should say something now […]
Frank Pierson died today. Most people probably won’t recognize the name, but he wrote two of my favorite films: Dog Day Afternoon and Cool Hand Luke. I got to hear […]
Lying in bed this morning, pretending it wasn’t yet time to get up, I was thinking about the way hype and enthusiasm for films (and film franchises) has crossed a […]
There was a time when movie reviews meant something. That time is not now. Movie reviews today exist purely to voice an opinion such that it may be combined with […]
Last week, the Supreme Being was kind enough to share some thoughts on the films which remapped his neurons. Since we heard his confession, I’ve been trying to ensnare the […]
Bad movies get a bad rap. It’s said they’re incompetent, meaningless, embarassing, written in a day by a lone monkey on a single typewriter, directed by escaped mental patients, acted […]
Here’s the thing about superhero movies: masks are terrible. Yes, I understand, one must protect his or her secret identity at all costs. But if Superman can get away with […]